HACCP Transition Meeting
1 Introductions
2 Progress of Industry Check List NCIMS HACCP "Checksheet" tab.
3 Transition meeting objective
A Informational exchange of NCIMS HACCP Program requirements.
B Regulatory Audit Procedures
C Review NCIMS HACCP Reference Materials
4 Transition meeting ground rules
A Will not cover real time record review
B Rating Officer will not discuss corrections required to meet NCIMS requirements
C No expectation to fine-tune a HACCP system
5 Overview of the NCIMS Dairy HACCP Program; Power Point presentation.
6 Audit Form(s) demonstration
A Pop-up version audit form
B PMO-Appendix K, HACCP Program with Audit References (yellow highlights)
C References for NCIMS HACCP Audit Report (excerpts)
7 Questions and Answers
8 Materials provided
A PMO including Appendix K
B Hazard and Controls Guide Dairy Foods HACCP - Guidance for Processors
C Dairy HACCP Auditing Re-Certification Short Course Manual and CD
D Audit Reference Documents
E Power Point presentation handouts
F Contact information
b State