2011 Conference
on the Proposals which were passed by the delegates at the 2011
NCIMS is available at 2011 Proposals.
The Executive Board and FDA met in a concurrence/non-concurrence
board meeting October 4-5, 2011. FDA concurred with all proposals passed by the Conference with the exception of Proposal 209. The NCIMS Executive Board accepted the non-concurrence of Proposal 209 and agreed to bring the issue to the next Conference. Changes to the Conference documents and program made by the NCIMS are shown in the IMS-a-48 Actions of the
National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments.
John Miller, Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services,
Tallahassee, Florida, was elected Chair for the 2013 Conference.
Don Breiner, Land O'Lakes, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, was re-elected
Vice Chair. See Executive
Board for new elections to the Board.
2013 Conference will be held in Indianapolis, Indiana at the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown, Indianapolis April
19 - 24, 2013.
If you have any questions,
please contact Marlena Bordson, NCIMS Executive Secretary, at 217-762-2656
or ncims.bordson@gmail.com;
Cary Frye, Program Chair, at 202-220-3543 or cfrye@idfa.org;
or John Miller, 2013 Conference Chair, at 850-245-5410 or

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