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Members of the Executive Board, comprised of twenty-five members, are elected by the voting delegates at the biennial meeting of the Conference.  Sixteen members of the Board comprise the voting membership and are selected as follows:

four members each from the Eastern States and the Western States:  one member from a State Milk Rating Agency, one member from industry, one member from a State Milk Regulatory Agency, and one member from either a Local Health Authority, a State Milk Rating or State Milk Regulatory Agency; and six members from the Central States, the four listed for Eastern and Western States plus two at-large members, one from an educational institution and one from a laboratory.

One at-large member is elected from the Public Health Service/Food and Drug Administration, to be appointed by the Commissioner of FDA, and one at-large member is elected from the U. S. Department of Agriculture, to be appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture.

Non-voting members are:  the immediate NCIMS Past Chair, the Program Chair, the Chair of the NCIMS/FDA Liaison Committee, each of the three Council Chairs, one consumer representative, and one representative each from the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) and National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF).

Each elected member of the Board can serve through three biennial meetings of the Conference and can be re-elected, unless re-election would extend the total terms of consecutive service to more than twelve years.

For a more detailed explanation of the make-up of the NCIMS Executive Board and a listing of the Eastern, Central and Western States, see Article IV of the Constitution.

The Executive Board has developed a Policy for the Supervison and Operation of Committees and approval of travel assistance for Executive Board and committee members to meetings other than the Conference. The NCIMS Travel Expense Form and Instructions which may be utilized to document travel expenses is attached here. An Example of a completed form and tips for completion is also attached.

The current (2013-2015) Executive Board members are as follows:

Dr. Stephen Beam, Chair, Sacramento, California
David E. Lattan, Vice Chair, Carlinville, Illinois

John L. Miller, Past Chair, Tallahassee, Florida
Marlena G. Bordson, Executive Secretary, Monticello, Illinois

Term Expires:  2015 Term Expires:  2017 Term Expires:  2019

Dr. Stephen Beam, Chair
CA Dept.of Food & Agriculture
1220 "N" St, Room A-170
Sacramento, CA 95814
Tel:  916-900-5011
Fax:  916-900-5095

VACANT - Industry

Stephen DiVincenzo
IL Dept. of Public Health
525 W Jefferson St, 2nd floor
Springfield, IL 62761
Tel: 217-785-2439
Fax: 217-782-0943

George Blush
KS Dept. of Agriculture
1320 Research Park Drive
Manhattan, KS 66502
Tel:  785-564-6761


Laurie Bucher
MD Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene.
6 St. Paul St., Suite 1301
Baltimore, MD 21202
Tel: 301-791-4779
Fax: 301-739-8067


Dr. Patrick J. Gorden
Iowa State University
College of Veterinary Med
2412 Lloyd Vet Med Center
1600 S 16th St
Ames, IA 50011-1250
Tel: 515-450-6133
Fax: 515-294-1072

Jodeen F. Meenderink
Dean Foods Company
3730 W. 1820, South
Salt Lake City, UT  84315
Tel: 801/973-2409
Fax: 801/977-8239

Casey McCue
NY Dept. of Agriculture & Markets
10B Airline Drive
Albany, NY  12235
Tel: 518-457-1772
Fax: 518-485-8730

Roger Hooi
Dean Foods Company
2711 N Haskell Ave
Dallas, TX  75204
Tel: 214-721-1101
Fax: 214-303-4766

Kenneth R. Vorgert
USDA - Dairy Grading Branch
2150 Western Court - Suite 100
Lisle, IL  60532-3900
Tel:  630/437-5037

Gary Newton
FL Dept. of Agriculture &
      Consumer Services
3125 Conner Blvd., MSC-27
Tallahassee, FL  32399-1650
Tel:  850-245-5410
Fax: 850-922-9444

David E. Lattan, Vice Chair
Prairie Farms Dairy, Inc.
1100 Broadway
Carlinville, IL  62626-0562
Tel:  217/854-2547

Michael K. Wiggs
Idaho Dept. of Agri./Dairy Bureau
P.O. Box 1238
Twin Falls, ID 83303
Tel: 208-736-3077
Fax: 208-736-2198

John Sheehan
5100 Paint Branch Parkway
College Park, MD  20740
Tel:  301-436-1488
Fax:  301/436-2632

Roger Tedrick
OH Dept. of Agriculture
Dairy Division
8995 East Main
Reynoldsburg, OH 43068
Tel:  614-644-1907
Fax:  614-728-2652



Gene Wiseman
MO State Milk Board
1616 Missouri Blvd.
P. O. Box 186
Jefferson City, MO  65102
Tel:  573-522-3077
Fax: 573-751-2527

Non-Voting Members

Beth Briczinski, Ph.D.
Nat'l. Milk Producers Fed.
2101 Wilson Blvd., Suite 400
Arlington, VA  22201
Tel:  703/243-6111
Fax:  703/841-9328

Casey McCue - Liaison Chair
NY Dept. of Agriculture & Markets
10B Airline Drive
Albany, NY  12235
Tel: 518-457-1772
Fax: 518-485-8730

Ken Anderson - Third Party Certifier
Harold Wainess & Associates
2045 North Dunhill Court N
Arlington Heights, IL 60004
Tel: 847-259-6400
Fax: 847-259-6460

Clay Hough
Internat'l Dairy Foods Assn.
1250 "H" St., NW, Ste. 900
Washington, DC  20005
Tel:  202-220-3516
Fax:  202/331-7820



Cary P.Frye, Program Chair
Internat'l Dairy Foods Assn.
1250 "H" St., NW, Ste. 900
Washington, DC  20005
Tel:  202/220-3543
Fax:  202/331-7820

Patricia Buck - Consumer Representative
Center for Foodborne Illness Research and Outbreak Prevention
1017 Main Campus Drive, Ste. 1500
Raleigh, NC 27606
Tel: 919-515-0912





Gena Reich
Council I Chair
WA Dept of Agriculture
812 S Taft St
Kennewick, WA
Tel:  509-546-2977
Fax:  509-546-2977

Randall W. Chloupek
Council II Chair
NE Dept. of Agriculture
P.O. Box 571
Harvard, NE 68944
Tel:  402-762-5497 

Doug Cart
Council III Chair.
Dean Foods Company
1126 Kilburn Ave
Rockford, IL 61101
Tel:  815-490-5520
Fax:  815-490-5514


John L. Miller, Past Chair*
FL Dept. of Agriculture &
      Consumer Services - Retired

*serves until a new Chair is elected

Marlena G. Bordson
NCIMS Executive Secretary
P.O. Box 108
Monticello, IL  61856
Tel:  217-762-2656
Fax: 217-762-2656

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