2013 Conference
on the Proposals which were passed by the delegates at the 2013
NCIMS is available at 2013 Proposals.
The Executive Board and FDA met in a concurrence/non-concurrence
board meeting October 9-10, 2014. FDA concurred with all proposals passed by the Conference with the exception of Proposal 231. The NCIMS Executive Board and FDA were unable to reach mutual concurrence on Proposal 231, therefore Proposal 231 will be referred to the next Conference. Changes to the Conference documents and program made by the NCIMS are shown in the IMS-a-49 Actions of the
National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments.
Dr. Stephen Beam , California Department of Food & Agriculture, Sacramento, California, was elected Chair for the 2015 Conference.
Don Breiner, Land O'Lakes, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, was re-elected
Vice Chair. Following the retirement of Don Breiner, David Lattan, Prairie Farms Dairy, Inc., Carlinville, Illinois was elected as Vice Chair at the October 2013 Executive Board meeting. See Executive
Board for new elections to the Board.
2015 Conference will be held in Portland, Oregon at the Doubletree by Hilton Hotel Portland on April
24-29, 2015.
If you have any questions,
please contact Marlena Bordson, NCIMS Executive Secretary, at 217-762-2656
or ncims.bordson@gmail.com;
Cary Frye, Program Chair, at 202-220-3543 or cfrye@idfa.org;
or Dr. Stephen Beam, 2015 Conference Chair, at 916-900-5008 or

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