
To facilitate the basic function of the Conference, subject-specific Standing and Ad-Hoc Committees have been appointed to consider,  study and evaluate “Proposals” submitted to the Conference for consideration.  Some committees are tasked with the study of a proposal or subject between conferences and may operate pilot programs to test the operation or validity of a proposal.  The “Proposals” submitted for deliberation at a Conference that are assigned to Committees are evaluated at the Conference and recommendations are provided and discussed with the assigned Council(s).

Anyone who has attended a conference may volunteer to serve on a council or committee by sending an email to ncims.frye Please provide your name, agency or company, mailing address, email address and phone number where you may be reached when a vacancy occurs.  Also please indicate the council and/or committee on which you may wish to serve.  You will be added to an on-going list of volunteers for access by the council and committee chairs.

Members of the Standing and Ad-Hoc Committees are as follows:

Animal/Herd Shares Study Committee

(Proposal 07-124)

Ad-hoc committee was abolished by vote of the Executive Board on September 9,2009, having completed their work and reported to the 2009 Conference.

Appendix N Modification Committee*

(Proposal 05-243)

Appendix N Modification Committee

NameCompany/State AgencyLocation
Roger Hooi, ChairDFA Dairy BrandsDallas, TX
Anne Quilter, Vice ChairCalifornia Dept of Food & Ag.Sacramento, CA
Ellen FitzgibbonsMassachusetts Dept of Public HealthJamaica Plain, MA
Patrick GordenIowa State University, College of Veterinary MedicineAmes, IA
Harris HollingsworthTX Dept of Health ServicesQuilan, TX
Jaimie JonkerNational Milk Producers AssociationArlington, VA
Rebecca PistonHP Hood, LLCPortland, ME
Amanda RifeLand O'LakesHarrisburg, PA
John SanfordDFA Dairy BrandsCollege Grove, TN
Linda StahlneckerME Dept. of AgricultureAgusta, ME
Heather TorinoNY Ag. & MarketsAlbany, NY
Frank BarcellosMilk Regulatory ConsultantsLawerenceville, GA
Tom AngstadtDairy Farmers of AmericaErie, PA
Kris WelchOhio Dept. of AgricultureReynoldsburg, OH
Tom Graham, FDA ConsultantFDABeltsville, MD
Amber McCoig, FDA Technical AdvisorFDA, Center for Veterinary MedicineRockville, MD
Zach Colins, FDA Technical AdvisorFDACrawfordville, FL
Jeff Hamer, FDA Technical AdvisorFDACollege Park, MD
Lindsay Perryman, FDA Technical AdvisorFDAEast Rochesteer, NY
Laurie Bucher, FDA Technical AdvisorFDACollege Park, MD

Aseptic Program Committee

(Proposal 11-301, 11-308)

Aseptic Program Committee

NameCompany/State AgencyLocation
Michelle StarkeyOH Dept. of AgricultureReynoldsburg, OH
Jordan May, Vice Chair*NestleSolon, OH
Becky BeaudinDanone NALouisville, CO
Brian Cogar MI Dept. of AgricultureMillington, MI
Oscar CoxNY Dept. of Agriculture & MarketsAlbany, NE
Jason CraftsGossner Foods, Inc.Logan, UT
Chris GieberOR Dept. of AgricultureSalem, Oregon
Patrick HashIN State Board of Animal HealthIndianapolis, IN
Amy HeintzelmanMI Dept. of AgricultureMillington, MI
Harris HollingsworthTX Dept. of State Health ServicesAustin, TX
Roger HooiDFA BrandsDallas, TX
Sara HorningIndiana State Board of Animal HealthIndianapolis, IN
Emil NashedDMI - Dairy Research InstituteRosemont, IL
Gabriel PascualHarold Wainess & AssociatesArlington Heights, IL
Katie PowersGehl Foods, LLCGermantown, WI
Brian ThaneTetra Pak, IncDallas, TX
Cindy Leonard, FDA Technical AdvisorUSFDACollege Park, MD
Les Boian, FDA Technical AdvisorUSFDASpokane Valley, WA
Matthew Pitts, FDA Technical AdvisorUSFDAColumbus, OH
* Pending Executive Board Approval

Constitution and Bylaws Committee*

Constitution and Bylaws Committee

NameCompany/State AgencyLocation
Ellen Fitzgibbons, ChairMA Dept of Public HealthJamaica Plains, MA
James AllynCT Dept of AgricultureHartford, CT
Barbara KoeltzowMI Dept of Agriculture & Rural DevelopmentMillington, MI

Defining Grade A Dairy Products

(Proposal 05-214)

Ad-hoc committee was abolished by vote of the Executive Board on September 9, 2009, having completed their work and reported to the 2009 Conference.

Document Review Committee*

Document Review Committee

NameCompany/State AgencyLocation
Anne Quilter, ChairCA Dept of Food and AgricultureSacramento, CA
Laura Traas, Vice ChairWI Dept of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer ProtectionMadison, WI
Nathan CampbellIN State Board of Animal HealthIndianapolis, IN
Dr. Sarah CoburnAK Dept of Environmental ConservationAnchorage, AK
Paula DankertMI Dept of Agriculture & Rural DevelopmentKingsley, MI
Barbara KoeltzowMI Dept of AgricultureLansing, MI
Heather TorinoNY Agriculture & MarketsAlbany, NY
John AllanIDFAWashington, DC
Jamie JonkerNMPFArlington, VA
Antone MickelsonNorthwest Dairy AssociationSeattle, WA
Helen PiotterDean Foods CompanyMacy, IN
Brook ShermanEcolabSt. Paul, MN
Bob AltobelliFDA ConsultantCollege Park, MD

HACCP Implementation Committee*

HACCP Implementation Committee

NameCompany/State AgencyLocation
Jason Crafts, ChairGossner Foods, IncLogan, UT
Elizabeth "EB" Flory, Vice ChairVT Dept of AgricultureVT
James R. AllynCT Dept of AgricutlureHartford, CT
Robert HagbergLand O' LakesFarmington, MN
Cody HuftFL Dept of Ag and Consumer ServicesTakkahassee, FL
Steve MurphyFreeville, NY
Emil NashedDairy Managment Inc.Rosemont, IL
Rebecca PistonHP Hood LLCPortland, NE
Dave RobbinsDFA Dairy BrandsFort Worth, TX
Allen SaylerCFSRSWoodbridge, VA
Alan Talarsky NJ Dept of HealthTrenton, NJ
Karie WilliamsPA Dept of AgricultureGreensburg, PA
Steve Sims, FDA Consultant
Belinda Clifton, FDA Technical Advisor
Joie Navarrete, FDA Technical Advisor
David Pearce, FDA Technical Advisor
Kerry E. Kaylegian, Technical AdvisorPenn State UniversityState College, PA
Gabriel Pascual, Technical AdvisorHarold Wainess & AssociatesArlington Hills, IL
Gary Solomon, Technical Advisor
John Allan, Technical AdvisorIDFAWashington, DC
Elizabeth Rigoni, Technical Advisor
P.C. Vasavada, Technical Advisor

Hauling Procedures Committee*

Hauling Procedures Committee

NameCompany/State AgencyLocation
Cherie Hime, ChairInternational Milk Haulers Assoc.Wisconsin Dels, WI
Clarence Ledford, Vice ChairMississippi Dept of HealthForest, MS
Casey HaleNew Mexico Dept of AgricultureLas Cruses, NM
Zarina BestulOregon Dept of AgricutlureSalem, OR
Barb KoeltzowMichigan Dep of Ag. & Rural ResourcesMillington, MI
Casey McCueNew York Department of Agriculture & MarketsAlbany, NY
Michale DennisNorth Carolina DAC&S Food & DrugRaleigh, NC
Mike BackhusNebraska Dept. of AgricultureHarvard, NE
Brian McAnellyKentucky Dept of AgricultureCampbellsville, KY
Steve KrukDairy Farmers of AmericaMedina, OH
Barney McConnelDairy Farmers of AmericaEast Syracuse, NY
Michael MundLonestar Milk ProductsComo, TX
Travis Solomon
United Dairyman of ArizonaTempe, AZ
Ricky WilliamsWillliams Dairy TruckingBaxley, GA
Brad WilliamsonLTI/Milky WayLynden, WA
Curt Griner, FDA ConsultantUSFDAMegis, GA
Joe Riehle, FDA Technical AdvisorUSFDAMead, WA
Hunter Moyer, Regulatory AlternateNebraska Dept. of AgricultureRichmond, VA
Skyler Sherrod, Industry AlternateWestern Dairy TransportLubbock, TX
Rancel Clark, Industry AlternateWDT LogisticsCabool, MO

International Certification Pilot Program*

(Proposals 05-316 and 07-304)

International Certification Program

NameCompany/State AgencyLocation
Jaimie Jonker, Chair NMPFArlington, VA
Jennifer CorrieriNJ Dept of HealthHewitt, NJ
Ellen Fitzgibbons, Vice ChairMA Dept of Public HealthJamaica Plain, MA
Antone MickelsonNorthwest Dairy AssociationSeattle, WA
Renata Pearson, Technical AdvisorCCRA for Grupo LaLa/ JP Morgan/ VasteraSan Carlos, CA
Bob Altobelli, FDA ConsultantUSFDAClilfton Park, NY
Thomas Graham, FDA Technical AdvisorUSFDABeltsville, MD
Frank Flores, FDA Technical Advisor USFDALawrenceville, GA

Laboratory Committee*

Laboratory Committee

NameCompany/State AgencyLocation
Laura Traas, ChairWisconsin Dept. of AgricultureMadison, WI
Tom Angstadt,  Vice ChairDairy Farmers of AmericaErie, PA
Jim AginQ Laboratories, Inc.Cincinnati, OH
Christiana Asay, LEOCalifornia Dept. of Food & AgricultureSacramento, CA
Mary BulthausEurofins DQCIMounds View, MN
Jessica GerspacherEastern Laboratory ServicesMedina, OH
Peggy GoodTurkey Hill DairyConestoga, PA
Patricia HansonFL Dept of Agriculture & Consumer ServicesTallahassee. FL
Roger HooiDean Foods CompanyDallas, TX
Tom Kitsmiller, LEOOhio Department of AgricultureReynoldsburg, OH
Wendy LandryHP Hood, LLCPortland, ME
Shawn Lee, LEOMichigan Dept. of Ag. & Rural ResourcesLandsing, MI
Dana LillardPrairie FarmsCarlinville, IL
Cynthia Mangione,
New York Dept of Agriculture & MarketsAlbany, NY
Annie Piepenhagen MD & VA Milk Producers Cooperative Reston, VA
Kathy Pieper, LEONebraska Dept of AgricultureLincoln, NE
Amanda RifeLand O'LakesCarlisle, PA
Nancy SanchezPuerto Rico Health DeptSan Juan, PR
Gene Stegeman, LEOSouth Dakota Dept of AgricultureBrookings, SD
Steven Beckman, Academic AdvisorSouth Dakota State University Brookings, SD
Thomas, Graham, FDA Technical AdvisorUSFDALaurel, MD
Hui Li, FDA Technical AdvisorUSFDALaurel, MD

Liaison Committee*

Liaison Committee

NameCompany/State AgencyLocation
Casey McCue, ChairNY Dept of Agriculture & MarketsAlbany, NY
Dustin Cox, Vice ChairNM Dept of AgricultureAlbuquerque, NM
John AllanInternational Dairy Foods AssociationWashington, D.C.
Tim AndersenWI Dept. of Ag. & Consumer ProtectionMadison, WI
Stephen Beam CA Dept of Food & AgricultureSacramento, CA
Clay Detlefsen National Milk Producers FederationArlington, VA
Roger HooiDean Foods CompanyDallas, TX
Antone MickelsonNorthwest Dairy AssociationSeattle, WA
Rebecca PistonH.P. Hood LLCPortland, ME
Sofia StifflemireTX Dept of State Health ServicesAustin. TX
Brian WiseOH Dept of AgricultureReynoldsburg, OH
Nicole NeeserNM Dept. of AgricultureSt. Paul, MN

Local Arrangements Committee

[table “LocalComm” not found /]

Methods for Making Sanitation Ratings (MMSR) Committee*

Methods of Making Sanitation Ratings Committee

NameCompany/State AgencyLocation
Robert Wilson, ChairOR Dept of AgricultureSalem, OR
Brandon WolffNM Dept of AgricultureSt.Paul, MN
Christina AngellNY Dept Agriculture & MarketsAlbany, NY
Michael CampbellDarigoldSeattle, WA
Jason CraftsGossner Foods Inc.Logan, UT
Beth FarrowGeneral MillsMurfreesboro, TN
Lindsey Giles AustinMI Dept of Agriculture & Rural ServicesLansing, MI
Helen M. PiotterDFA Dairy BrandsMacy, IN
John SanfordDFA Dairy BrandsCollege Grove, TN
Brad ShulingPrairie Farms DairyEdwardsville, IL
Tony ShumakerSD Dept. of AgricultureHumbolt, SD
Sophia StifflemireTexas Dept State Health ServicesAustin, TX
Bob Altobelli, FDA ConsultantUSFDA
Paul Klug, FDA Technical AdvisorUSFDA
Brian McAnelly, Regulatory AlternateKentucky Dept of AgricultureCampbellsville, KY

Other Species Milk Committee*

Other Species Milk Committee

Vacant, Chair
Barbara Koeltzow, Vice ChairMI Dept of Agriculture & Rural DevelopmentMillington, MI
Lisa BurnettNV Dept of AgricultureReno, NV
Mike ClinkscalesAL Dept of Public HealthMontgomery, AL
Dr. Sarah CoburnAK Department of Environmental ConservationAnchorage, AK
Oscar CoxNY State Dept of Agriculture and MarketsAlbany, NY
Edward KelleyLouisiana Dept of Health - Office of Public HealthMandeville, LA
Michael Mund Lonestar Milk ProductsComo, TX
Anne QuilterCA Dept of Food and AgricultureSacramento, CA
Bradley TurpinCO Dept of Public Health & EnvironmentDenver, CO
James WilliamsonSC Dept of HealthColumbia, SC
John Alvin WoodsMS State Dept of Health, Milk & Bottled WaterJackson, MS
Jeff Hamer - FDA Technical AdvisorFDACollege Park, MD
Amber McCoig, FDA/CVM Technical AdvisorFDACollege Park, MD
Lynn Hinkley
Techinical Advisor
LSH ConsultingWillimantic, CT

Program Committee

Program Committee

NameCompany/State AgencyLocation
Wendy Landry ChairHP Hood LLCPortland. ME
Barbara Koeltzow, Vice ChairMI Dept. of Ag. & Rural DevelopmentLansing, MI
Miquela HanselmanNMPFArlington, VA
Chris HylkemaNew York Agriculture & MarketsAlbany, NY
Roberta WagnerIDFAWashington, DC
John SanfordDFA Dairy BrandsNashville, TN
Rylee SterrettPrairie Farms DairyFishers, IN
Casey McCue, ChairNew York Dept. of Agriculture & MarketsAlbany, NY
Stephen Beam, Past ChairCalifornia Dept. of Food & AgricultureSacramento, CA
Brian Wise, Council I ChairOhio Dept. of AgricultureReynoldsburg, OH
Laura Traas, Council II ChairWisconsin Dept of AgricultureMadison, WI
Damon Miller, Council III ChairDairy Farmers of AmericaGrapevine, TX
Nicole Neeser, 2025 Local ArrangementsMinnesota Dept. of AgricultureSt. Paul, MN
Patrick Hash, 2023 Local ArrangementsIndiana State Board of Animal HealthIndianapolis, IN
Beth Briczinski, FDA ConsultantUS FDACollege Park, MD
Cary Frye, Ex OfficioNCIMS Executive SecretaryMerrifield, VA

Repackaing Grade A Dairy Products

(Proposal 19-112)

Ad-hoc committee was established at the 2019 Conference from proposal 112

Repackaging Grade A Dairy Products Committee

NameCompany/State AgencyLocation
Brian Wise, ChairOhio Dept. of AgricultureReynoldsburg, OH
Sharon Balhorn, Vice ChairGeneral Mills YoplaitMinneapolis, MN
John AllanIDFAWashington, DC
Stephen BeamCA Dept of Food and AgricultureSacramento, CU
Dustin CoxNM Dept of AgriclutureAlbuquerque, NM
Barb KoeltzowMI Dept. of Ag. & Rural ResourcesMillington, MI
Charlie MackPrairie FarmsEdwardsville. IL
Mike MelvillePublix Supermarkets, Inc.Deerfield Beach, FL
Sofia Stifflemire
Texas Department of State Health Services
Austin, TX
William WhiteheadDanone North AmericaWhite Plains, NY
Bob AltobelliUS FDAClifton Park, NY

Scientific Advisory Committee*

Scientific Advisory Committee

NameCompany/State AgencyLocation
Dr. Nicole Neeser, ChairMinnesota Dept of AgricultureSt.Paul, MN
Edith A. Wilkin, Vice ChairLeprino Foods CompanyDenver, CO
Stephen BeamCalifornia Dept of Food and AgricultureSacramento, CA
John AllanInternational Dairy Foods AssociationWashington, DC
Matt HauschildIndiana State Board of Animal HealthIndianapolis, IN
Ron ThompsonContinental Dairy Facilities. LLCCoopersville, MI
Lucy SeversWashington State Dept of AgricultureOlympia, WA
Kyle ShannonMaryland Dept of HealthBaltimore, MD
Marianne SmukowskiWI Center for Dairy ResearchMadison, WI
Uju Nsofor, FDA ConsultantUSFDA/CFSANCollege Park, MD
Priya Kadam, FDA Technical AdvisorUSFDA
Mark Miller, FDA Technical AdvisorUSFDA
Marybeth Willis, FDA Technical AdvisorUSFDAAtlanta, GA
Parick Hash, Regulatory AlternateIN State Board of Animal HealthIndianapolis, IN

Single-Service Containers and Closures (SSCC) Committee*

SSCC Committee

NameCompany/State AgencyLocation
Armour Peterson, ChairIllinois Dept. Public Health Springfield, IL
Patrick A. Frontale,
Vice Chair
Packaging Consultants InternationalSolvay, NY
Kenneth AndersonHarold Wainess & AssociatesArlington Heights, IL
David BrownIowa Dept of AgricultureDes Moines, Iowa
Marisa CarlosGeneral MillsCarson, CA
Chris GieberOregon Dept of AgricultureSalem, Oregon
Ed KelleyLouisiana Dept of Health and HospitalsBaton Rouge, LA
John W. SanfordDFA Dairy BrandsCollege Grove, TN
Tony J. ShumakerSouth Dakota Dept of Agricultural ServicesPierre, SD
Brad SuhlingPrairie Farms DairySt. Louis, MO
Catherine M. WhiteRhode Island Dept of HealthProvidence, RI
Frank Flores, FDA ConsultantUSFDACollege Park, MD
Tarsha Oliver, FDA Technical AdvisorUSFDAChicago, IL
Marybeth Willis, FDA Technical AdvisorUSFDAAtlanta, GA
Amanda Zick, FDA Technical AdvisorUSFDA
Sofia Stifflemire, Alternate ReguatoryTexas Dept of State Health ServicesAustin, TX

Technical Engineering Review Committee*

Technical Engineering Review Committee

NameCompany/State AgencyLocation
Chris Hylkema, ChairNew York Dept of Agricuture & MarketsNew York
Helen Piotter, Vice Chair Dean Foods CompanyIndiana
Marty BaumanSaputo Dairy Foods USWisconsin
Nathan CampbellIndiana State Board of Animal HealthIndiana
Lyle W. ClemElectrol Specialties Co.Illinois
Dustin CoxNew Mexico Dept of
New Mexico
Gena ReichWashington Department of AgricultureWashington
Brian WiseOhio Department of AgricutureOhio
Randy Elsberry, FDA ConsultantUSFDACalifornia
Steve Sims, FDA Technical AdvisorUSFDAMaryland
Don Goldsmith, FDA Technical AdvisorUSFDAMinnesota
Matt Pitts, FDA Technical AdvisorUSFDAOhio
Kevin Torgerson, FDA Technical AdvisorUSFDAWisconsin
Stephen Walker, FDA Technical AdvisorUSFDAIllinois
Paul Dix , Regulatory AlternateMaryland Dept of Health Maryland
David Kedzierski,
Industry Alternate
Agri-Mark, Inc.Vermont

Automatic Milking Installation Subcommittee

TERC – Automatic Milking Installation (AMI) Subcommittee
Subcommittee of the Technical Engineering Review Committee

NameCompany/State AgencyLocationPosition on Subcommittee
Chris Hylkema, ChairNew York Dept of Agriculture & MarketsAlbany, NYTERC Member
Brian Wise Ohio Dept of AgricultureReynoldsburg, OHTERC Member
Paul DixMaryland Dept of Health & Mental HygieneBaltimore, MDTERC Member
Gena ReichWashington State Dept of AgricultureKennewick, WATERC Member
Helen PiotterDean Foods CompanyMacy, INTERC Member
Steve StonerWisconsin Dept of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer ProtectionMadison, WINon-TERC Regulatory
Clint GeorgeTexas Dept of State Health ServicesAustin, TXNon-TERC Regulatory
Steve McGinnisCalifornia Dept of Food & AgricultureFresno, CANon-TERC Regulatory
David BrownIowa Dept of AgricultureDes Moines. IANon-TERC Regulatory
Adam SonnenburgDairy Farmers of AmericaDodgeville, WINon-TERC Industry
Jason MartinGalaxy AMSKutztown, PANon-TERC Industry
Brad CuperyLely North AmericaRandolph, WINon-TERC Industry
Matt StuesselGEA USAGalesville, WINon-TERC Industry
Brad SchallerBoumaticMadison, WINon-TERC Industry
Derek ZeppDeLavalKansas City, MONon-TERC Industry
William BernhardAEMMilwaukee, WINon-TERC Industry
Dr. Stephen WalkerUSFDACollege Park, ILFDA Advisor
Randy ElsberryUSFDAExeter, CAFDA Advisor

*These are Standing Committees
Updated January 31, 2023