A row of cows in a pasture

Assuring the Safest Possible Milk Supply for All the People

The Conference is a non-profit organization made up of persons involved in the dairy industry, from the dairy farmer to processing plant personnel, to those persons involved in inspecting the dairy farmer’s operation and/or the processing plant, to those persons who make the laws concerning the inspections, to those who enforce the laws, to the academic researcher and adviser, to the consumer of the dairy products.

What's New

Registation is now open for the 2025 NCIMS Conference

Please mark your calendar and make plans to attend the 39th National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments scheduled for April 11 – 16, 2025 at the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis, MN. We are looking forward to a Conference that will once again provide an invaluable forum to deliberate many important issues facing the National Grade “A” Milk Program. We hope you plan to attend and assist in the resolution of proposals submitted for consideration.

Information about the 2025 Conference, online registration, hotel reservations and proposal submission can be found at the 2025 NCIMS Conference page


Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Pasteurized Milk Ordinance


This year’s celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Pasteurized Milk Ordinance has been a huge success thanks to your support and collaboration of the NCIMS, FDA and many dairy stakeholders. Many activities were held to recognize the strides that we have made in this program over the last century, to educate the public about pasteurization and dairy food safety, and to honor the efforts of our state dairy programs and our industry

To close out the year the NCIMS hosted a webinar – 100 Years of Milk Safety – Past, Present, and Future of Milk & Dairy Safety on December 4, 2024 from 1:00 – 2:30 pm Eastern Time.   

You can view or download the video recording of the webinar at the link below:


Agenda and speakers:

100 Years of Milk Safety – Past, Present, and Future of Milk & Dairy Safety 

1:00 pm – 1:05 pm Welcome & Introductions

Casey McCue, Director, Div. of Milk Control and Dairy Services, NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets & Chair NCIMS

1:05 – 1:40 pm Moderated Panel: A Look at the Past Accomplishments

Moderator: Casey McCue, Director, Div. of Milk Control and Dairy Services, NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets & Chair NCIMS

Panel Participants:

Marlena Bordson, NCIMS Past Chair,  Liaison Chair, and Hauling Committee Chair. Chief, Division of Food, Drugs and Dairies, Retired, Illinois Department of Public Health

Roger Hooi, Vice President, Quality Assurance, Dairy Farmers of America Dairy Brands &  Chair of Appendix N Committee

Dave Lattan, Parliamentarian, NCIMS

John W. Sanford, Director of Scientific and Regulatory Affairs, Dairy Farmers of America & Member of NCIMS Program, MMSR, SSCC Committees

1: 45 pm – 2:20 pm Moderated Panel: Today’s Successes and Future Challenges

Moderator: Beth Briczinski, Ph.D., Senior Science Advisor for Milk Safety, FDA & FDA Representative to NCIMS Executive Board

Panel Participants:

Stephen Beam, Ph.D., Chief, Milk and Dairy Food Safety Branch, California Department of Food and Agriculture & NCIMS Past Chair and Liaison Committee Chair

Clay Detlefsen, Esq., Senior Vice President, Environmental and Regulatory Affairs & Staff Counsel & NMPF Representative to NCIMS Executive Board

Casey McCue, Director, Div. of Milk Control and Dairy Services, NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets & Chair NCIMS

Sofia Stifflemire, MBA, R.S., Texas Milk Operations Branch Manager, & State Representative to NCIMS Executive Board

 2:20 – 2:30 pm Questions & Answers

Moderator: Casey McCue, Chair, NCIMS

All Panel Participants


Here is a sample of this years acitivites:

PMO Centennial Celebration Icons have been developed for use with our various commemorative activities. You will see them in videos, infographics, presentations, etc.  The icons  below may be downloaded and used on social media and may also be used in email signatures.

We are seeking your help to make this program a success.  You can do your part by sharing information with others in your network and on social media.  Help us raise awareness of dairy food safety and the tremendous public health impact of our program throughout 2024 – help spread the word!

If there are additional ways you can further recognize the efforts of our state, federal, and industry partners in the Grade “A” program as part of the Centennial Celebration, we welcome your contribution.  Within your organization, we hope you will identify activities to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the PMO and participate in this important campaign.

We are thrilled to plan a year-long celebration of the PMO. Please check back on the NCIMS website and the FDA Centennial webpage for updates as more events are scheduled.

Casey McCue, NCIMS Conference Chair

Beth Briczinski, FDA Liaison to NCIMS Board


Please contact Cary Frye, NCIMS Executive Secretary at ncims.frye@outlook.com or 202-841-0066 if you have any questions or need additional information.

Upcoming Events