2019-23 Executive Board taken at the 2023 Conference in Indianapolis, IN
Members of the Executive Board, comprised of up to twenty-seven members, are elected by the voting delegates at the biennial meeting of the Conference or appointed to represent specific organizations. Sixteen members of the Board comprise the voting membership and are selected as follows:
Four (4) members from Group I (Eastern States); Six (6) members from Group II (Central States) (two (2) at large); Four (4) members from Group III (Western States); all to be elected by the General Assembly by majority vote (General Assembly is defined as qualified voting delegates, assembled at a biennial or special meeting of the Conference); plus one (1) member at large from each of Groups I (PHS/FDA) and III (United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)), appointed as outlined in the following Section; plus one (1) non-voting member at large representing consumers, appointed by the Chair and confirmed by the Board; plus one (1) non-voting representative from the Third Party Certifiers, appointed by the Chair and confirmed by the Board; plus the immediate Past Chair, the Program Chair, Chair of the NCIMS Liaison Committee, and the three (3) Council Chairs who are appointed by the Chair and confirmed by the Board; and one (1) representative each from the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) and the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF).
The Program Chair, Laboratory Committee Chair, the NCIMS Liaison Committee Chair, the three (3) Council Chairs, the immediate Past Chair and the representatives from IDFA and NMPF, except as otherwise provided, shall serve on the Board as non-voting members.
Each elected member of the Board shall serve through three (3) biennial meetings of the Conference. Full term Board members may succeed themselves, unless re-election would extend the total terms of consecutive service to more than twelve (12) years.
For a more detailed explanation of the make-up of the NCIMS Executive Board and a listing of the Eastern, Central and Western States, see Article IV of the Constitution.
The Executive Board has recently developed and updated the Board Policy on the Supervision and Operation of Councils and Committees. A section has been added to conform to the proposals passed at the 2017 Conference as a result of the Continuity Task Force efforts. In addition, a section on Resolutions for the direction of the Resolution Committee at the Conference has been added along with a resolution format attachment. The attachment on travel approval for Executive Board and committee members to meetings other than the Conference is still included. The NCIMS Travel Expense Form and Instructions which may be utilized to document travel expenses is attached here. An Example of a completed form and tips for completion is also attached.
The current (2023-2029) Executive Board Officers are as follows:
Casey McCue, Chair, Albany, New York
Antone Mickelson, Vice Chair, Seattle, Washington
Dr. Stephen Beam, Past Chair, Sacramento, California
Cary Frye, Executive Secretary, Merrifield, VA
Contact information for Executive Board members can be found at this link: NCIMS Executive Board Updated August 2, 2024