01 May

Automatic Milking Installation (AMI) Subcommittee Activities

The Automatic Milking Installation (AMI) Subcommittee of the Technical Engineering Review Committee (TERC) was formed in January.  The Subcommittee is working on its charge from the NCIMS Conference Chair, Dr. Stephen Beam, “to examine the issue of compliance of Automatic Milking Installations  (AMIs) with the requirements of the Pasteurized Milk Ordinance (PMO) with the specific objective of identifying the obstacles and potential solutions to aligning PMO requirements with current and next generation AMI equipment and operations.  As part of meeting this charge, the Committee shall establish an inclusive working subcommittee consisting of representatives from state  regulatory agencies, FDA, AMI manufacturers, and other industry sectors as needed to obtain the necessary technical expertise and stakeholder input.  The Committee shall provide progress reports  at least quarterly to the NCIMS Executive Board, and may culminate its work with proposals for specific revisions to the PMO, or other conference documents, for consideration by state delegates at the 2019 Conference.”

The following information is provided on behalf  of the AMI Subcommittee:

AMI Subcommittee Quarterly Reports to the NCIMS Executive Board:

      1. Jan 8 AMI Subcommittee Letter to  NCIMS Board 

      2. AMI Subcommittee March 23 Letter to NCIMS Board 

      3. AMI Subcommittee June 2018 Quarterly Update to NCIMS Board

      4. September 2018 NCIMS Quarterly update on AMI requirements

      5. December 2018 NCIMS Quarterly Update on AMI requirements

NCIMS Memoranda of Information (M-I) related to AMIs

  3. M-I-14-8 Supplement 2 (Final 3-28-18)
  4. M-I-17-3 Guidance AMI Computer System(s) Verification
  6. M-I-17-5 AMI Check Rating Guidance (1)

01 Feb

NCIMS Automatic Milking Installation (AMI) Subcommittee Chosen

The Automatic Milking Installation (AMI) Subcommittee of the Technical Engineering Review Committee (TERC) was formed in January.  The Subcommittee is working on its charge from the NCIMS Conference Chair, Dr. Stephen Beam, “to examine the issue of compliance of Automatic Milking Installations  (AMIs) with the requirements of the Pasteurized Milk Ordinance (PMO) with the specific objective of identifying the obstacles and potential solutions to aligning PMO requirements with current and next generation AMI equipment and operations.  As part of meeting this charge, the Committee shall establish an inclusive working subcommittee consisting of representatives from state  regulatory agencies, FDA, AMI manufacturers, and other industry sectors as needed to obtain the necessary technical expertise and stakeholder input.  The Committee shall provide progress reports  at least quarterly to the NCIMS Executive Board, and may culminate its work with proposals for specific revisions to the PMO, or other conference documents, for consideration by state delegates at the 2019 Conference.

Membership of the AMI Subcommittee may be found on the Committees listing link under the Leadership tab on the home page.

09 Feb

NCIMS Hall of Fame: Call for 2017 Nominations

As resolved at the conclusion of the 2013 Conference, 2013 RESOLUTION #11 requested that the NCIMS Executive Board create an NCIMS “Hall of Fame” with the first nominees to be considered and announced at the 2015 Conference.  In keeping with the Resolution’s request that the process of considering candidates be followed for all subsequent Conferences, NCIMS is announcing a call for nominations for potential Hall of Fame awardees at the 2017 Conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

The NCIMS Hall of Fame Nomination Form 2017 and any attached supporting information must be submitted to Marlena Bordson, Executive Secretary, no later than midnight Central Time, March 7, 2017.

Your nomination must include dates of service and sufficient details, including examples, to meet the requirements that the individual serves or served at the highest level of distinction or has contributed significantly to the NCIMS and the advancement of its mission.


18 Nov

2017 State Cooperative Program Grants in support of Grade “A” Milk Safety Programs and National Shellfish Sanitation Programs – Grant Application Portal Opens December 6th!

Subject: 2017 State Cooperative Program Grants in support of Grade “A” Milk Safety Programs and National Shellfish Sanitation Programs – Grant Application Portal Opens December 6th!


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in collaboration with the National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments (NCIMS), the Interstate Shellfish Sanitation Conference (ISSC), and the Association of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO), are proud to announce the 2017 State Cooperative Program Grants for Grade “A” Milk Safety and National Shellfish Sanitation Programs.

This grants program provides funds for training and equipment purchases in support of milk and shellfish regulatory programs.  The grant portal will be open to accept applications for the 2017 funding year on December 6, 2016; and will close on January 5, 2017 at 7:59 PM Eastern Standard Time. Complete instructions, including the 2017 Grant Guidance, will be available at http://afdo.org/msgrants prior to the opening of the portal.

Grant funding is open to state or territorial (Puerto Rico) agencies that have the regulatory authority to implement the Grade “A” Milk Safety Program and/or the National Shellfish Sanitation Program.

Applicants to this program can expect a simple application process, up-front funding when required by the project, and simple reporting requirements.  Project categories include:

  • Category 1 – 2017 Annual Program Training Needs Grants for Milk and Shellfish Programs: Funding for Milk Sanitation Rating Officers (SROs), Laboratory Evaluation Officers (LEOs), Shellfish Sanitation Officers (SSOs) and other Regulatory Staff Members to attend Required Training and Other Courses for Calendar Year 2017 (Minimum: $500/No Maximum, but total requested funding should not average more than $2,000 per person per course unless justification is provided in the Detailed Budget). Example: Applicants will have the opportunity to request travel funds for your program’s annual training needs to allow attendance at training courses, workshops, and seminars that advance the goals of the Grade “A” Milk Safety and/or the National Shellfish Sanitation Programs.
  • Category 2 – Equipment Grants for Milk and Shellfish Programs: Equipment purchases that support the Grade “A” Milk Safety Program (maximum of $3,000 per agency) and/or the National Shellfish Sanitation Program (maximum of $5,000 per agency) – Example: Purchase of program-related equipment that helps to improve Milk or Shellfish safety and/or increase the efficiency and/or effectiveness of your regulatory program.

What’s Next?

Please visit http://afdo.org/msgrants as it will always contain the most up-to-date information about the grant program. If you would like to receive news and updates when new information is available, please register your email address here.

If you have any questions, please contact us at (850) 583-4593 or msgrants@afdo.org.

18 Nov

William Francis appointed to NCIMS Executive Board by USDA on September 6, 2016

The retirement of Ken Vorgert on September 2, 2016 created a vacancy in the USDA representative position on the NCIMS Executive Board.  Per Section 5, Subd.3, of the NCIMS Constitution, the USDA member of the Board is appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture.   In appointing William G. Francis to the Board, Elanor Starmer, USDA, noted that “Mr. Francis is no stranger to the Conference having previously served on the Board representing the State of New York from 2005 until 2009.  Since 2009 Mr. Francis has been employed by the USDA and he became acting Director of the Agricultural Marketing Service, Dairy Program, Grading and Standardization Division in May 2016.”

In notifying the Board, Chair Beam stated “Will is of course very familiar with the Conference having been highly involved with its activities in the past as a representative of the state of New York, including service on the NCIMS Executive Board.  It will be great having Will back again in his new role representing the USDA. “

18 Nov

Jimmy Williamson, appointed to NCIMS Executive Board – August 26, 2016

On August 26, 2016, based on the recommendation of Dr. Stephen Beam, Chair and unanimous vote of the Executive Board.  Mr. Jimmy Williamson of the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control was appointed to the NCIMS Executive Board to fill the vacant Eastern States regulatory member position as a result of the retirement of Gary Newton from the Florida Department of Agriculture.

Section 8 of the NCIMS By-Laws added by the delegates at the last Conference specifies that Board vacancies occurring between Conferences shall be filled by the Chair and confirmed by the Board.  The appointee serves until the next biennial or special meeting of the Conference, at which time the vacancy is filled for the balance of the term by a qualified registrant who is nominated by the Nominating Committee, or from the floor of the General Assembly, and is elected by the voting delegates.

G.M Gallaspy representing southeastern states in Region I provided the following information: “Mr. Williamson is the program manager and is a State Rating Officer for the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control’s milk program.  Mr. Williamson attended the last NCIMS Conference and has been South Carolina’s voting delegate for a number of conferences.  He has served the conference on numerous committees and presently sits on council I.  Jimmy’s knowledge of the dairy industry; his knowledge of how the NCIMS is structured; his knowledge of how the NCIMS committees and councils are able to work through multiple issues to accomplish the goals of the NCIMS and his personality would make him a very good candidate to fill this position.”

16 Dec

Welcome to the new NCIMS.org

We’re excited to announce the launch of our new NCIMS website! Future announcements will be posted here in the Current News section.

All old news items from the previous site are listed here:

As resolved at the conclusion of the 2013 Conference, the NCIMS Executive Board has created a board policy for The Operation and Policy of the NCIMS Hall of Fame Award Committee.  Please see the attached Resolution #11 and the board policy.

The deadline for the receipt of nominations by Marlena Bordson, Executive Secretary, is February 20 by midnight Central Time.

Your nomination must include dates of service and sufficient details, including examples, to meet the requirements that the individual serves or served at the highest level of distinction or has contributed significantly to the NCIMS and the advancement of its mission.

Information about the 35th National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments may be found on the 2015 Conference Information Page. See the link at the left. Information packets have been mailed to the attendees of the 2011 and 2013 Conferences.

Ken Anderson, Harold Wainess and Associates, has been appointed to the NCIMS Executive Board representing Third Party Certifiers.

Patricia Buck, Center for Foodborne Illness Research and Outbreak Prevention, has been appointed to the NCIMS Executive Board representing consumers.

The deadline for accepting applications for the Consumer Representative position on its 25-member Executive Board has been extended to August 31, 2013.

The National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments (NCIMS) is accepting applications for the Consumer Representative position on its 25-member Executive Board.

Dr. Stephen Beam, California Department of Food & Agriculture, Sacramento, California, was elected Chair for the 2015 Conference.  Don Breiner, Land O’Lakes, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, was re-elected Vice Chair.  See Executive Board for new elections to the Board.

The 2015 Conference will be held in Portland, Oregon at the Doubletree By Hilton Hotel Portland, Portland, Oregon, April 24 – 29, 2015.

Information about the 34th National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments may be found on the 2013 Conference Information Page. See the link at the left. Information packets have been mailed to the attendees of the 2009 and 2011 Conferences.

The International Certification Pilot Program Committee (ICPPC) has updated information about the firms that are participating as Third Party Certifiers in the Pilot Program posted on its webpage.

The Executive Board has developed a Policy for the Supervision and Operation of Committees and approval of travel assistance for Executive Board and committee members to meetings other than the Conference. The NCIMS Travel Expense Form and Instructions which may be utilized to document travel expenses is attached here. An Example of a completed form and tips for completion is also attached.

The NCIMS Executive Board and FDA met in a concurrence/non-concurrence board meeting October 4-5, 2011. FDA concurred with all proposals passed by the Conference with the exception of Proposal 209. The NCIMS Executive Board accepted the non-concurrence of Proposal 209 and agreed to bring the issue to the next Conference.  Changes to the Conference documents and program made by the NCIMS are shown in the IMS-a-48 Actions of the National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments. The 2011 Conference page includes conference actions and related documents.

John Miller, Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, Tallahassee, Florida, was elected Chair for the 2013 Conference.  Don Breiner, Land O’Lakes, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, was re-elected Vice Chair.  See Executive Board for new elections to the Board.

The 2013 Conference will be held in Indianapolis, Indiana at the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown, Indianapolis April 18 – 25, 2013.

The 33rd NCIMS Conference was held April 28 – May 4, 2011 at the Sheraton Baltimore City Center, Baltimore, Maryland. There were 338 registrants coming from all fifty states and one U.S. Trust Territory. Fourteen individuals from 10 foreign companies were also registered. A total of 91 proposals were deliberated by the delegates. Of those proposals, 57 passed as submitted or as amended.

Information about the 33rd National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments may be found on the 2011 Conference Information Page. See the link at the left. Information packets have been mailed to the attendees of the 2007 and 2009 Conferences.   The NCIMS Aseptic Pilot Program Implementation Committee (APPIC) has prepared a APPIC Final Q & A Editions 1-5 Combined May 26, 2010. See Aseptic Pilot Program.  International Dairy Foods Association has appointed Jonathan Gardner to the NCIMS Executive Board as a Non-Voting Member representing the processing industry. Cary Frye will remain on the Board as the Program Committee Chairman.

Announcing a new FDA/NCIMS HACCP Audit Training Course to be held at the Westin Crown Center in Kansas City, Missouri starting Tuesday, January 27 and running through Friday, January 30, 2009. Information about the course, agenda and registration form are available on the HACCP Documents page.

The NCIMS Aseptic Pilot Program Implementation Committee is working with FDA on a webinar for those who are interested in the Aseptic Pilot Program and for those State Regulators and Rating Officers who are required to take the training. The training announcement, agenda and registration form may be found on the Aseptic Pilot Program page. Anyone who has questions may contact Sue Esser via phone or email at:

Susan K. Esser
Michigan Department of Agriculture
Food and Dairy Division
Chair, NCIMS Aseptic Pilot Program Implementation Committee
517-335-1070 essers@michigan.gov

The NCIMS Aseptic Pilot Program Implementation Committee (APPIC) has developed some questions and answers to help you better understand the system.   They have also developed four new forms, that are posted in this web site as well.  See Aseptic Pilot Program.  The Q&A has been updated as of March 17, 2008.

The Hazards and Controls Guide for Dairy Foods HACCP – Guidance for Processors – Version 1.1 dated June 16, 2006, was revised October, 2007.  This latest version is now available for downloading.

Finalized International Certification Pilot Program Questions and Answers have been posted on the web site – ICPPC Q&A.  The questions and answers cover the time period from May 19, 2006 to July 13, 2007.

We’ve added a “link” to FDA memoranda